
How to Clean Your Clit Sucker

Clit suction sex toys can drastically improve the quality of your orgasms. In fact, according to some clit-owning individuals, clit suckers can also open up orgasmic sensations you aren’t even aware of, very similar to good oral sex.

It’s possible that you’ve never really heard of those devices before. That’s perfectly understandable — these are new types of sex toys that didn’t exist before 2015. Instead of externally stimulating your clitoris, they produce sonic pulses that resonate through your entire clitoral structure, inducing instant full-bodied orgasms.

Whether you use the clit suction vibe solo or with a partner, it’s likely to be coated in bodily fluids by the time you’re done. When you’re done with it, you must clean and store it carefully, ensuring optimal hygiene.

Whether you use the clit suction vibe solo or with a partner, it’s likely to be coated in bodily fluids by the time you’re done.

It’s not unheard of that women managed to reach several orgasms in a very fast moment, so make sure to stop before overdoing it.

You can also read our list of the best tips on how to orgasm fast.

Do I Need To Clean My Clit Sucker if I’m The Only One Using It?

The most common and persuasive reason for cleaning sex toys is that they may transmit STIs. Dermatologists and sex experts agree that sex toys can transmit STIs if they’re not cleaned and sanitized properly, especially if used by multiple individuals. Some of the most common sex toy-transmitted STIs are herpes, chlamydia, and gonorrhea.

However, you should take the time to clean and sanitize your clitoral sex toy even if you use it solo, and there’s no risk of STI transmission. Individuals with clitoris run the risk of suffering from bacterial vaginosis (UTIs) if they use sex toys (any sex toys) without careful sanitation. The risk of UTIs further increases if you use the sex toy for vaginal and anal stimulation. The remnant bodily fluids on sex toys also lead to fungal growth and bacterial accumulation, increasing the risk of yeast infections.

Besides protecting yourself from possible yeast infections, UTIs, and STIs, cleaning sex toys also helps preserve and protect your investment. If you leave your sex toy unwashed, the bodily fluids corrode the sex toy’s material or outer shell, leading to discoloration and degradation. As such, You should clean your clit vibe to make sure it lasts a long time, and use lubricant if that helps you get off.

Body-Safe Silicone Is The Most Sanitary Material For Sex Toys

You may find clitoral sex toys online that are incredibly cheap and affordable, costing less than $30. If a sex toy’s price feels too good to be true, it’s probably because it’s made of inferior materials.

The sex toy industry is extremely unregulated, and you often find sex toys made of unsafe materials. Some of the most popularly-used unsafe materials for sex toys are latex and jelly-rubber. As a general rule, you must always avoid sex toys with porous materials because they have microscopic holes that harbor millions of germs and bacteria.

If you get an inferior sex toy with a porous material (like latex or jelly-rubber), it doesn’t matter how much you wash them, they will still have bacteria and fungus within their pores. When you use clitoral toys with unsafe or porous materials, you drastically increase your risk of UTIs and yeast infection, even if you’re careful about sanitation.

If you get an inferior sex toy with a porous material (like latex or jelly-rubber), it doesn’t matter how much you wash them, they will still have bacteria and fungus within their pores.

As such, before you read about the correct washing and sanitation practices, you must learn to identify the best body-safe materials for clitoral sex toys. Nonporous materials are the best because you can easily clean them without fear of bacteria and germs hiding inside microscopic pores.

So, what are the best nonporous body-safe materials for clit suckers? Silicone is widely-considered the best body-safe material for sex toys because it has a nonporous body that doesn’t trap bacteria or fluids, making it extremely easy to clean and sanitize. Other than silicone, you can also get sex toys made of metal or glass. However, silicone is undoubtedly the best material for clit suckers because it also has a soft and squishy texture, making it a lot more comfortable than metallic or glass sex toys.

How To Clean Body-Safe Silicone Clit Suckers?

Step 1: Clean The Sex Toy With Fragrance-Free Soap or Toy Cleaners

The first step after using the sex toy is cleaning it thoroughly to remove all the bodily fluids and bacteria. Since clitoral suckers are motorized or electric, you can’t simply drop them in a vat of boiling water. Instead, you can use fragrance-free soap or toy cleaners.

You can spritz the toy with some normal fragrance-free soap and let it sit in a sink of water for a few seconds. After a few seconds, rinse the sex toy clean and wash the soap off with lukewarm water. You should use fragrance-free soap because scented soaps have ingredients that interfere with your vagina’s natural pH balance, increasing the risk of yeast infections.

Alternatively, you can also get official toy-cleaning sprays, solutions that have a cocktail of ingredients necessary to ensure sanitation. However, toy-cleaning sprays are more like hand sanitizers, they do the job if you’re in a bit of a rush, but they don’t clean as thoroughly as water and fragrance-free soap.

Step 2: Dry It Off With a Soft Towel or Cleaning Cloth

After you’ve rinsed and cleaned the sex toy, you can dry it off with a soft towel. Make sure the towel or cleaning cloth is soft and plush, and gently wipe it dry. Don’t use harsh strokes because that may scratch or damage the sex toy’s surface.

Step 3: When You’re Done, Proudly Flaunt It Out in The Open!

After you’re done cleaning and wiping the sex toy, it’s time to store it safely. Most people hide sex toys in secret bottom drawers under lock-and-key. However, that's not the best way to store sex toys for two reasons — your sex toys need some air and breathing room, and hiding sex toys perpetuates notions of shame around sexuality.

If you really want to keep your sex toy out of sight, we suggest grabbing a satin or silk sack. Satin and silk are smooth and highly-breathable materials that keep your sex toys safe while ensuring plenty of air circulation.

Satin and silk are smooth and highly-breathable materials that keep your sex toys safe while ensuring plenty of air circulation.

Alternatively, you can flaunt the sex toy out in the open! Some of the latest clit suckers don’t even look like penises or sex toys but ordinary ornaments. For example, Biird’s Namii looks amazing, and it comes with a cute charging base that doubles as a mood light! You can place these clit suckers out in the open, flaunting them for all to see!

Take care of your clit sucker… and it will take care of you!

Biird Namii Clit Sucker

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How To Use a Clit Sucker

About Author
Ellie Cooper
Ellie is a freelance writer and pleasure enthusiast. She is very comfortable talking about vaginas, scaling mountains and eating spicy food, but not parallel parking. She lives with a very tubby cat named Charles who likes to get involved with the writing process by sleeping on her keyboard.